
Indian micro-data sets (also known as unit-level or raw data sets in Indian academic parlance) that are useful for economic analysis are quite hard to come by. Every time I came up with a research idea, I was haunted by the 'data ghost' because I couldn't find an exhaustive list of all Indian data sets that I could use for my research context. Hence, I took it upon myself to create a database of Indian micro-data sets that could be used by economists and other social scientists for the purpose of research. Here, I have gethered together either such data sets themselves (if they are under an open license) or information on how to access them (if they fall within some restrictions in terms of dissemination or use) in the spreadsheet below. Slide through the different data categories available at the bottom of the spreadsheet. I wish somebody else had done this for me!

Bonus tip: Join the Datameet Google Group. Datameet is an Indian data enthusiasts' group whose members keep sharing new and useful data sets with each other. It's a goldmine for applied micro researchers focusing on India!

india microdata

India Micro-Data Sets